Saturday, October 21, 2017



(links follow asap)
Contact me in person for more (video) info: Rob Buser
Mobile: 0031647426102 (24/7 365 - day&night)
Skype Connect: rob.buser
(use the ...TAKE ACTION NOW... account)

Our Perfect Synergy Concept is the Reinvention of the fast growing Shared Economy

Why investing in tech startups is a great idea?
The Tech Start-Ups (Apps, Games, Software) space is the biggest growing industry in the world right now!

Over a whopping 90 billion app downloads in 2016, that’s over 170,000 downloads each minute all over the world,
- which means the appetite for this technology is bigger than it has ever been.

Just to give you an idea of how lucrative investing in this industry is, let me share some examples with you...

Pokemon Go, Snap Chat, Candy Crush and Twitter all created Billions of Dollars in Valuations in record times
- and created more millionaires faster than in any other industry!
(links follow asap)

"I so wish I did not turn down the opportunity to invest in Tech Giant Uber!
They approached me more than once and each time I said no.
I will NEVER make that mistake again, the Tech Industry is here to stay!"
- Gary Vaynerchuk, Entrepreneur, Investor

So perhaps you're wondering what's in it for you and why you should get involved now...?

Well let's just say, your future self is going to thank you for taking the time out to find out more video info NOW!...

This Opportunity Is For You If:
- You want priority access to exclusive 'yes brainer' investment opportunities just like the dragon's on Dragon's Den™ get!
- You want a Stable investment opportunity in a trusted industry with reputable partners!
- You want to learn how Tech Investment works and how you can pull SMART PROFITS out of the market!
- You want to invest in the fastest growing market with the biggest returns in the world - period!
(links follow asap)

What you will discover?.....

1. How you can become one of the owners of the Perfect Synergy Concept,
- so that you can maximise your return on investment when we float and go public with our own company

2. How you can invest in Profitable Tech Start-Up Projects BEFORE the masses get in
- so you get all the advantages of being an early investor and benefitting from this lucrative investment strategy...
- the wealthy have been using

3. How to build and protect your wealth LONG TERM,
- so that your wealth keeps growing beyond your initial investment and continues to provide you...
- with more security and leverage

Early Bird Funding: All Investor accounts are free to open and maintain.
- Pay no fees when you purchase IPO shares in a Company.
- Pay a low 1.5% commission on other trades.

You purchase shares directly in Public Companies.
You control your Trading Account.
You become a registered shareholder of the Listed Company.
(links follow asap)

(First United Capital Group - Earlybird Academy - EarlyBird Funding)

Every Monday 8pm UK time
Your Host - CEO Founder Mr. Kalpesh Patel
(reserve your seat now)
(click here to claim your free seat now)

There are ONLY 1000 investment seats availble in the company in the UK alone...
- and in most other countries only 500 seats per country !!!

We want YOU to get one of those remaining opportunities.
(links follow asap)

This is an outstanding opportunity for the serious and aspiring investor and or modern media serial entrepreneur.

I look forward to working with you on your success.

See you (and yours) on the beaches of the world...

More (video) info:
Rob Buser
Co-owner of First United Capital Group
Phone: 0031647426102
Skype connect: rob.buser
(choose the...TAKE ACTION NOW... account)
(links follow asap)

first united capital group, early bird academy, early bird funding, perfect synergy concept, rob buser, tech start ups,
investing, wallstreet, crowdfunding, share economy, internet, social media, apps, games, software, robportunity,
kalpesh patel, profit sharing, real estate, wealth academy, investment academy, property academy, stock exchangevision,
goals, teamwork, self development, learn and earn

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